Empathy Stress Management Tips

Empathy Can Save You From the Clutches of Stress

What is stress?

We hear the word often, but let’s get clear on what it actually is and how it affects the body. Stress is a strain or a tension that is either emotional, mental, or physical. When the body encounters an emotional, mental, or physical threat – stress, it produces a stress response intended to help you fight or flee to neutralize the threat. This natural stress response sets off alarms in the body to trigger a release of the hormones adrenaline and cortisol to aid your fight or flight. The Mayo Clinic (2021) explains the affects of adrenaline and cortisol:

Adrenaline increases your heart rate, elevates your blood pressure and boosts energy supplies. Cortisol, the primary stress hormone, increases sugars (glucose) in the bloodstream, enhances your brain’s use of glucose and increases the availability of substances that repair tissues.

Cortisol also curbs functions that would be nonessential or harmful in a fight-or-flight situation. It alters immune system responses and suppresses the digestive system, the reproductive system and growth processes. This complex natural alarm system also communicates with the brain regions that control mood, motivation and fear.

Once the threat has been neutralized, the hormones dissipate and the blood pressure and glucose return to normal. The problem of chronic stress is that the body stays in a near constant state of alarm and is always ramping up our bodily systems for fight or flight. Over time, the effects of increased adrenaline and cortisol overwhelm normal bodily functions. Take a look at the disfunction that can result from an overexposure of the stress hormones (Mayo Clinic, 2021).

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Digestive problems
  • Headaches
  • Muscle tension and pain
  • Heart disease, heart attack, high blood pressure and stroke
  • Sleep problems
  • Weight gain
  • Memory and concentration impairment

Let’s face it, stress is a silent assassin. We’ve all heard someone exclaim, “This job is killing me with stress!” While it may sound like an exaggeration, there’s truth behind it. Chronic stress is linked to the six leading causes of death, including heart disease, cancer, suicide, cirrhosis of the liver, lung ailments, and accidents. A staggering 75% of emergency room visits and doctor appointments can be attributed to stress-related issues. So, when your friend claims stress is killing them, it’s time to take it seriously.

We all have our share of stressful situations, and unfortunately, it’s become all too common in our lives. But what if I told you that there’s a way to stress less and find solace more often? It’s as simple as learning to empathize.

Empathy: A Path to Less Stress and Depression

Being empathetic means being able to understand and share the emotional experiences of others. But empathy doesn’t end there. It also involves responding in a helpful manner.

Imagine your coworker burdened with an overwhelming workload, visibly stressed and incapable of meeting a tight deadline. You recognize her emotional turmoil and decide to offer some words of encouragement, acknowledging her exceptional productivity and commendable work ethic.

By expressing empathy, you not only uplifted her spirits but also alleviated her stress. And here’s the fascinating part – science tells us that you, too, will experience reduced stress, anxiety, and depression.

When we empathize with someone’s negative emotions, our innate instinct is to offer support and aid. In doing so, we instinctively recognize that we are separate from their situation, sparing ourselves from directly experiencing their emotional stress. While we wholeheartedly understand and connect with our coworker’s turmoil, we maintain a protective barrier that shields us from being engulfed by the same emotional intensity.

Dr. Jamil Zaki, a psychology professor and director of the Social Neuroscience Laboratory at Stanford, explains that empathy allows us to see beyond our differences and overcome prejudice or bias. These negative emotions trigger a stress response in our bodies, but empathy disarms them.

Dr. Zaki further reveals that empathy enhances relationships and boosts workplace success. Research demonstrates that empathetic individuals develop better emotional self-regulation by accurately discerning the emotions of others. So, by incorporating more empathy into your life, you not only benefit others but also unlock a world of reduced stress and enhanced peace of mind.

Stress may be lurking around every corner, but empathy can be your secret weapon. By understanding and responding empathetically to others’ emotions, you create a ripple effect of support and relief. As you offer solace to others, you find solace within yourself. So, let’s embrace empathy and embrace a life with less stress and more tranquility.

What are your thoughts on empathy alleviating stress?

I’d love to hear from you. Comment below and subscribe to The Empty Nest.


Goal Setting Goals Planning Tips

Six Types of Goals Everyone Should Consider Making

Everyone understands that goals are important to success, but there are still relatively few people that actually set goals regularly and commit to them. Sometimes you set goals and forget about them, or you set unrealistic goals. Then, there is the habit of tracking your goals. This is critical to achievement.

The biggest part of the challenge is not understanding the main categories of goals. There are several areas of life that have a great impact on the rest of your life. It’s important to have suitable goals in each of these areas to have a fulfilling life.

Consider these six critical areas:

1. Financial: Financial issues are a major source of stress. This is hardly news to most of us. Financial success opens endless opportunities and can also free up a lot of time, especially if you reach the point where you don’t have to work any longer.

◦ Many people are uncomfortable with the idea of becoming wealthy. They have pangs of guilt over having too much. However, it’s difficult to truly be free unless you’re financially secure.

◦ Given the importance of money in modern society, it’s important for everyone to have goals related to this topic.

2. Career: Most of us spend 40+ hours each week at a job of some sort. It’s a huge part of our waking hours. When you include getting ready for work, driving there and back, and all the time you spend outside of work thinking about work, it’s a lot of hours.

◦ There’s a lot of competition in the workplace. If you don’t have any goals regarding the direction of your career, you’re much less likely to be satisfied with your career growth.

3. Adventure: Down deep, we all admire those people that visit the pyramids of Egypt, try whitewater rafting, or go to Africa on a safari. Taking part in adventurous activities gives you a new perspective on life. It also makes you really interesting to others!

◦ Each person has their own idea of what constitutes adventure. To one person, it might be skydiving, but to another it might be spending a long weekend in a foreign country like Canada.

4. Self-Development: We’re happiest when we’re growing in some way. It’s disappointing to take a hard look at yourself and realize that you haven’t changed significantly in the last 5+ years. We feel proud of ourselves when we become more developed and capable. There are a variety of ways to do this.

◦ Take college courses.
◦ Learn an instrument.
◦ Learn a language.
◦ Learn how to garden.
◦ Learn how to do a cartwheel.
◦ Learn how to paint or draw.

5. Health: If your health fails you, there’s not much else that matters. Most people that set goals fail to include a health goal of some sort. This is a mistake.

◦ Be sure to include a diet or exercise goal. Include the input of your physician. Keep in mind that being incredibly fit does nothing for your longevity. Moderate activities followed consistently will usually provide adequate exercise.

6. Long-term: We often make the mistake of only setting short-term goals to get out of the discomfort we’re currently feeling. It might be to come up with an extra $500 this month or to lose 15 pounds.

◦ Ideally, short-term goals exist to move us toward long-term goals. Pursuing an objective set far into the future gives your life meaning.

How many goals do you have? Do you have the six main types of goals covered? What other categories can you think of that are important to you? Consider what’s most important to you and ensure that you have a goal that addresses it.

Most successful people have unbalanced lives because they put too much attention on one area and neglect others. Learn from their mistakes by maintaining balance and you’ll find greater overall happiness and fulfillment.

What are your goals? I’d love to hear from you. Subscribe to The Empty Nest and leave a comment below.


Cybersecurity Tips

Navigating the Digital Landscape

Expert Advice on Cybersecurity

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, cybersecurity is paramount to protect our personal information and digital assets. To provide you with expert insights, I interviewed renowned cybersecurity engineer, Tracy Walton, who shares valuable advice on the growing importance of cybersecurity, best practices for safeguarding your data, and the role of technology in mitigating cyber threats. Let’s dive into his expert recommendations and enhance our defenses against the ever-present risks of the digital world.

Understanding the Importance of Cybersecurity:

According to Tracy, cyber threats are becoming increasingly sophisticated and diverse. He emphasizes the importance of recognizing the potential consequences of inadequate cybersecurity measures, including data breaches, identity theft, and financial loss. Tracy states, “right now, the number one security vulnerability is phishing emails. It used to be viruses and malware.” He advises us to check those sender addresses by clicking them and making sure it is from the ‘’ and then check with the sender to make sure they sent it. Being aware of the types of threats is the first step towards building a robust defense.

Best Practices for Personal Cybersecurity:

Tracy emphasizes the significance of strong cybersecurity practices in our daily lives. He recommends ditching simple passwords, implementing multi-factor authentication, using unique and complex passwords (having different passwords for each account to “reduce unauthorized access”), regularly updating software and devices, and being cautious of those phishing attempts he talked about earlier. By adhering to these best practices, we can significantly reduce our vulnerability to cyber threats.

The Role of Technology in Safeguarding Against Cyber Threats:

Drawing from his extensive expertise, Tracy highlights the instrumental role of technology in combatting cyber threats. He discussed the importance of utilizing advanced antivirus software, secure communication platforms, and encrypted storage solutions. Employing these technologies forms a formidable defense against evolving cyber risks.

Promoting Cybersecurity Awareness:

According to Tracy Walton, fostering a culture of cybersecurity awareness is crucial. He stresses the significance of educating ourselves, our families, and our communities about potential risks and preventive measures. Tracy suggests that we “subscribe to periodicals and newsletter that give tips and also inform you on the latest cybersecurity threats.” By creating a collective understanding of cybersecurity, we can work together to mitigate threats and create a safer digital environment.

Navigating the Future of Cybersecurity:

When discussing the future of cybersecurity, Tracy advises that staying informed and adaptable to new technologies will be key in staying ahead of cybercriminals. The emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are promising technologies. These advancements can enhance threat detection, automate security processes, and strengthen overall defenses.

The insights shared by Tracy Walton, Cybersecurity Engineer, sheds light on the importance of cybersecurity in our modern lives. By understanding the importance of cybersecurity, implementing best practices, leveraging advanced technologies, and promoting awareness, we can fortify our digital defenses and navigate the digital landscape with confidence. Let’s heed the advice of experts and collectively build a safer online world for ourselves and future generations. Together, we can safeguard our digital realms and embrace the limitless possibilities of the digital age!

Which tip will you put into practice first to better protect yourself?

I’d love to hear from you. Subscribe to The Empty Nest and comment below.


Encouragement Tips

Navigating A New Stage of Parenting: Tips for Parenting Adult Children

As parents, we may think that once our children become adults, our role as a caregiver is over. However, parenting adult children can be just as important and challenging as parenting younger children.

Parenting adult children involves recognizing and embracing the changing dynamic between us and our grown-up offspring. It’s crucial to let go of the parental control we once had and respect their autonomy. As they venture into the world, we become guides and advisors rather than decision-makers. Embrace this shift with open arms, allowing your adult children to forge their own paths while providing a safety net of love and support. Here are some tips on how to navigate this new stage of parenting:

1. Communication is key

As children get older, it’s important to maintain open lines of communication. This means listening to their concerns and opinions, even if we don’t agree with them. It’s also important to express our own thoughts and feelings in a respectful and non-judgmental manner.

2. Be supportive, not controlling

As adults, your children should be able to make their own decisions and live their own lives. This means that we should avoid trying to control or micromanage their choices. Instead, offer support and guidance when needed, but ultimately let them make their own mistakes and learn from them. For me, this was difficult. I admit that I am a bit controlling and I want what’s best for my girls. I am learning to be patient with them and myself while tempering my thoughts with love and grace.

3. Respect their independence

Your child is no longer a child, and they deserve to be treated as an independent adult. This means respecting their boundaries and allowing them to make their own choices, even if we don’t agree with them. It is not always going to be easy but trust that you instilled within them all they need to make their own way. Remember that they too must experience life.

4. Keep the relationship positive

As with any relationship, it’s important to keep things positive. This means avoiding criticism or negative comments, and focusing on the things we love and appreciate about our adult children. It’s also important to maintain a sense of humor and enjoy each other’s company. Sometimes I sit in awe of the joy the girls bring to my life as I sit and listen to their tales of adventure.

5. Set boundaries

While it’s important to respect your child’s independence, it’s also important to set boundaries when necessary. This means being clear about our expectations and enforcing consequences when those expectations are not met. This one has been tricky. While they may live on their own, and pay their own way, some behavior must be corrected. We cannot take their cell phones and send them to their rooms, but we can let them know that their actions have been disappointing.

Parenting adult children can be challenging, but it can also be incredibly rewarding. By maintaining open communication, being supportive and respectful, keeping the relationship positive, and setting boundaries when necessary, we can help our adult children thrive and grow into the best version of themselves.

I hope these tips help put things in perspective. I’d love to hear from you. Follow The Empty Nest and comment below.
